
a whole lotta hats

in which Kristi is unlikely to write about just one thing in any one particular way

K.A. Corlett K.A. Corlett

The Beach

You took my hand and told me to focus

on the in-out cadence of the waves,

and soon my breath began to sing this way,

the way of the washing in and out.

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K.A. Corlett K.A. Corlett

Prayer for Awakening

This prayer came from a meditation this morning. Sometimes, when we feel as though there is nothing we can do, we can offer our prayers. We can offer our compassion. We can create a vibration that ripples outwards.

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K.A. Corlett K.A. Corlett

The Veil is Way Thinner than We Think

Shamanism isn’t about transcendence. It is about bringing us back into relationship with the Sacred within us and all around us. Right here, right now.

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K.A. Corlett K.A. Corlett

Two Loons

be still and silent / and what you need / will come to you

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K.A. Corlett K.A. Corlett

Of Anger and Spatulas

I have my virtues. But being mechanically inclined is not one of them. And neither is keeping my temper when I feel like I am about to encounter a major FAIL. Enter my little friend Anger.

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K.A. Corlett K.A. Corlett

The Red Door

in which K.A. ponders holding the key to her own cage…

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